Friday, April 30, 2010

Dot Your i's and Cross Your t's: Mercury is in Retrograde!

Are your deals falling out of escrow? Did you overlook that one important clause in the contract that's now landed you in hot water? Is your computer, website, Twitter, Facebook, acting ornery? Listen up! Mercury Retrograde is no joke, especially when it comes to making commitments, starting new endeavors, and signing contracts. You may also expect that anything related to communication and technology may be riddled with snafus and misunderstanding. The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, etc. It goes in a retrograde motion -- or motion that makes it appear to be going backwards in the night sky -- three times a year for approximately three weeks at a time. When Mercury is retrograde, there’s usually much confusion. People forget little things. Delays and frustrations abound.

I know that a lot of people think that astrology is a sham, a crock, or at best, an entertaining diversion. However, one need only think about the fact that the ocean tides, the female menstrual cycle, and a handful of other phenomenon are very much regulated by the planetary positions and the gravitational pull of the moon. I personally see this as pretty compelling evidence that there is definitely something to the study of stars, planets and the subtle effects that their movement through the cosmos has on our personalities, moods, and life events.

That said, as a Real Estate agent who deals with contracts daily, and someone who is notorious for her ongoing struggles with anything that operates by electrical current, battery, or digital signal, I tread lightly during these periods of astrological upset. Mercury Retrograde is in full swing now, having begun April 18 and continuing until May 11th, 2010.

On a practical level and based in my own experience, I highly recommend double and triple checking all of your offers, repeating back any important information so that all parties involved have the opportunity for complete understanding, and taking this time to re-evaluate your objectives, without making any bold moves just yet.

In this market, every little advantage that we can leverage is worth exploring. Make the best out of what you are given and this too shall pass!

Read more at:

What Does Mercury Retrograde Mean to Me?


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