Friday, April 16, 2010

Finally! A Bright Idea..The Hollywood Sign Hotel?

Hollywood Sign Hotel
It seems that Danish architect, Christian Bay-Jorgenson has come up with the most sensible and utilitarian design since IKEA! Mr. Bay-Jorgenson has literally brought calm and peace to an entire city now that he has solved the dilemma of the fate of the Hollywood sign: Make it a hotel!!
Now the developers get what they want, the city gets its money, and generations of Angelonians retain an icon of their precious history.
"I'm a fan of the Hollywood Sign Hotel and the unused spaces of America," said Bay-Jorgensen. "It could be interesting to make it a center for such events as the Golden Globes and Oscars. This could be the future of the sign."
The architect's proposal seems like the best of both worlds. The old and the new, the modern & the classic, the progressive and the reverent all get a tip of the hat with this use. It would seem the underlying economic dilemma of the controversy could be solved with this proposal also. Way to go, Mr. Bay Jorgenson! Gold Star for out-of-the-box thinking!
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