Monday, April 19, 2010

You're Sweet Enough Just the Way You Are

I have just recently lectured several friends and clients about the virtues of moving towards a more natural, unprocessed diet. Educating oneself on Best Health Practices can really be a full time job and there is an astounding amount of confusion and deception regarding the quality of our foods. Moreover, the majority of us have a serious 'disconnect' about the direct correlation between what we put in our bodies and how we feel, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Here's what I know...

Artificial Sweeteners are just bad for you. Stop consuming them. They cause all kinds of adverse effects in the body from skin rash, to high blood pressure and metobolic syndrome, to name just a few.

Sugar isn't so great either in large, refined quantities, but if forced to choose, go for the sugar in your coffee over the Splenda or Equal. Sugar in its natural, untouched form (i.e. fruit) has healthy benefits when eaten in moderation.

Alas! There is hope that you not endure a diet of bland, boring blah-ness. There are some safe and palatable sugar alternatives out there (as a semi-reformed sugar junkie, I won't lie to you- there's nothing like the real deal), but you should sample a few until you find one that works for you.

Natural Sweeteners | Agave Xylitol Stevia Truvia

1 comment:

  1. I use SweetLeaf brand of stevia! I try to stay away from splenda, and I stay away from aspartame like the plague! I don't even have sugar in my kitchen as I bake with stevia,too and basically use it with anything I want to sweeten! (although occasionally I like using honey, but not nearly as much)!
