Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

Spring is in the air and I don't know about you, but I've been bitten by the travel bug once again. Now I know that many of us are trying to be prudent and mindful of our wallets, but you'd be surprised how many bargain get-a-ways are right outside of our front doors as so. Cal residents. The mild and warm weather is often noted as one of the top reasons that bring people to southern California and the reason why they stay. I think that many of us take for granted the fact that we live within two hours of practically any climate or condition you could wish for, making a quick getaway to relative paradise practically required.

I hit the wall the week before last and realized that I needed a break, and so did everyone around me. On a whim, I booked a last minute hotel room in San Diego for the night and hopped on the 405 on a Sunday morning to head out for my adventure. Forty eight hours later, I was back in L.A., refreshed, relaxed, and with a whole new outlook on life. What a difference a day (or two) makes! I am a true believer that travel, even in small doses, does wonders for keeping your head screwed on straight. Everyone needs a little r & r and getting out of your normal surroundings really helps you to see others, your own life, and your problems from a much more well-rounded perspective.

That said, in addition to these hot spots that are a mere hop/skip away (link below), if you happen to head to San Diego I would recommend taking a detour to Encinitas on your way. Encinitas is a great little California surfer town about 30 minutes north of San Diego, with lots of great taco stands, new age shops, and a laid back vibe. For an incredible view and an amazing sunset, head to the Self-Realization Fellowship on PCH for a stroll through their meditation gardens on the cliffs of the Pacific Ocean. Happy travels!

4 Southern California weekend escapes - latimes.com

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