Monday, July 12, 2010

Hollywood 360

In the harsh light of recent economic conditions and an accelerating barrel wave of population growth, threats to our quality of life and the environment reveal that our current form of growth is just not working. Green space continues to vanish, air quality remains unacceptable, and our dependence on automobiles seems to have no end in sight. With half the world population now residing in urban, or densely populated areas (source: United Nations Population Fund,, the future of development depends heavily on the integration of sustainable building practices, transit-oriented development, and thoughtfully planned urban design that lends itself to a variety of lifestyle preferences.

This shift to a new paradigm of growth is no longer an option, but a necessity.
Los Angeles is taking note. Where once new development, transit systems, and public infrastructure were developed to fulfill an immediate need of the time in Los Angeles, the shift towards a systematic approach to growth that considers the future needs of the city’s urban communities has become a recent phenomenon. Now, there is movement towards new land use standards and business strategies that promote an efficient urban framework that emphasizes a pedestrian friendly city experience, environmentally thoughtful building practices, and expansion of public transit that links smaller communities to one another.
Most recently, Hollywood has become a shining example of this type of proactive planning. As the center of the motion picture industry, Hollywood has evolved from an outlying residential community into an increasingly dense urban center. In doing so, the importance of preserving its historical and iconic references, while establishing progressive development techniques that weave mass transit into the fabric of the community has become paramount.

Hollywood has taken its first wobbly steps towards marrying public and private interests that strive to achieve this type of new urbanism. The opening of the W Hollywood Hotel & Residences at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street provides evidence tha
t this type of high-quality, high-density development is exactly what Tinsel Town needs. As a critical component of the development, expansion of the Metro Red Line has encouraged pedestrian foot traffic and high flow patterns of mass transit users, while street fronting restaurants, retail, and neighborhood anchors, like Trader Joes, have moved in to serve an increased demand.

Though this first step at transit-oriented development in Hollywood has its many virtues, the community has an arduous journey ahead towards the development
of a true, sustainable urban core. It stands to reason, then, that in order not to repeat the mistakes of yesterday, we must clearly define our goals for tomorrow.

To that point, the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency is defining a vision and set of principles that will provide clear direction to developers, landowners and city decision makers. The agency has enlisted the assistance of independent consultants in the development of two distinct plans that together address the changing geography of Hollywood. The plans provide guidance for the future development of the Sunset Boulevard Civic District and the Hollywood Boulevard/Franklin Avenue District, containing the major corridors and sub-neighborhoods of Hollywood.

In summary, the plans provide detailed and intricate development guidelines that strive to achieve the following goals:

1) Preservation of the Existing Setting- Hollywood’s built environment is largely shaped by landmarks from the 1920’s through the 1950’s. These landmarks and historic districts, in addition to the character of residential neighborhoods, shall be preserved as the area’s greatest physical design assets.
2) Development of a Pedestrian Environment- enhanced pedestrian pathways that provide a safe and comfortable environment for its users, while providing linkages between open space networks. Attention to massing, scale, and details of existing and new buildings that promote an interesting and vital sidewalk experience shall be emphasized.
3) Architectural Continuity Between New & Existing Patterns of Building Scale & Detail- An overarching design framework that conserves the existing historic setting and realizes new and creative building additions, while providing a transition in scale and intensity of development between higher density commercial areas and lower scale residential neighborhoods.
4) Realization of New Public & Private Open Spaces- Enhance the existing open space as usable open space for residents, while creating additional open space opportunities and amenities that serve a wide variety of populations and lifestyle preferences.
5) Formation & Protection of Skyline- Sensitivity to preservation of open view corridors for distant views to the Hollywood Hills while providing for a distinct urban form and skyline for Hollywood.

Though urban design guidelines provide a necessary framework for the systematic reinvention of the area, they are merely one segment of a very large puzzle that when pieced together will reveal the actualized vision of a modern, neo-Hollywood. Numerous and far-reaching considerations include:

· Mitigation of water scarcity and other resources

· Timely and essential integration of public transit

· Creation of ‘green’ capital that encourages developers to invest in natural materials as part of their up-front costs

· Development of cohesive partnerships and synergistic cooperation between various public and private entities

· Thoughtful management of neighborhood and stakeholder concern and opposition

· In-depth understanding of highest and best use practices based on the needs, desires, and lifestyles of the consuming community

· Development of ample parking solutions & concepts

· Adoption of complete street principles and right-of way standards for pedestrians, private, and public transit.

The journey towards an urbanite utopia will undoubtedly lead community innovators down a long and winding road. However, with intelligence, creativity, and tenacity, the community’s deeply committed urban pioneers will overcome these challenges to lead the city back into the limelight, with a promise that Hollywood will have its heyday once again.
For complete review of the CRA’s Draft Urban Design Standards & Guidelines for Hollywood, please visit

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