Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Year of the Short Sale

The Orange County Register recently reported some staggering statistics regarding the state of the real estate market here in southern California. Short sale transactions have increased by 74 percent this year (Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino, and Los Angeles counties).

Increased short sales may be a blessing in disguise for an area like southern California that witnessed property values skyrocket to unsustainable values in recent years. Short sales have several benefits:

  • Removes housing inventory from the market. This is critical for housing market recovery.
  • Allows struggling home owners to absolve debt on houses which will take years to return to values seen a few years ago.
  • The decrease in prices finally allows those who were priced out of the market in the mid-2000s the chance to buy a home.

There have been nearly 13,000 short sales in southern California in the first half of 2010. The newly implemented Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) program is a government program designed to encourage short sales. As HAFA kicks into gear, the result will likely be an increase in the number of short sales across the country.

As the number of short sales increase, the question remains whether it makes more sense for a bank to accept less money than is owed on a home loan through a short sale, or to negotiate a principle write-down or loan modification with existing homeowners who can no longer meet their payments. One way or another, the bank is going to take a hit.

A fellow ActiveRain Real Estate Agent recently published the following blog post on short sales that I thought was a well-written and thorough guide of questions and considerations....

Via Bill Gassett Metrowest Massachusetts Real Estate (RE/MAX Executive Realty):

Understanding Short Sale Transactions | A Guide to Short Sale Facts & Myths

Short sales in Massachusetts

A short sale unfortunately has become a common buzz word in the Real Estate industry. For those that have been hearing the term "short sale" and don't quite understand what it means, a short sale is a legal lender approved solution designed to assist a home owners who is financially strapped to get out from under their mortgage debt.

A short sale is negotiated through the mortgage holder of an owners home where by the mortgage holder agrees to take less than what home owner owes on the property.

A quick example of a short sale would be if a home owner owes $400,000 on their current mortgage and their home is only worth $350,000. The lender in this example would agree to take a short fall of $50,000 at closing.

In some cases the mortgage holder may completely wipe out the debt and the home owner does not have to repay the 50,000. Many lenders may require a seller to sign a note and repay the debt over a certain amount of time. Typically the debt will be reduced and the owner may receive favorable repayment terms of the short fall.

There is quite a bit to know about short sales from both a buyer's and seller's perspective. Successfully completing a short sale is about understanding the process.

Many consumers make extremely poor choices by working with Real Estate agents that don’t have a lick of experience with getting short sales approved. Picking a good short sale Realtor is critical to your success.

The following is a number of specific topics about short sale transactions that you would want to be aware of if you are planning to either buy or sell one of these types of distressed properties.

Massachusetts short sale RealtorsStop making mortgage payments during a short sale? ~ Whether or not a home owner should continue to make mortgage payments is a common question that many sellers want to know when considering a short sale. The most common answer to this question is YES, however it really depends on the lender! Click the link to understand all the considerations.

Picking the right short sale Realtor ~ Picking a Realtor to work with in a short sale is very different than a traditional transaction. You want to work with an agent that has experience successfully closing this type of transaction. Remember as a seller you could potentially be facing a foreclosure. There are many mistakes that are made by agents handling short sales. Don't get caught with your pants down!

Questions to ask a short sale listing agent ~ If you are thinking about buying a short sale there are some specific questions you can ask the listing agent to determine the probability that the short sale will be approved or not. These short sale questions will also help determine if the Realtor handling the short sale knows what they are doing!

Acceptable hardships for a short sale ~ On many occasions when doing a short sale the lender is going to require some kind of hardship on the part of the seller. Short sale hardships however, have become less rigid recently and some lenders are becoming more concerned strictkly on whether the short sale would benefit them more than a foreclosure sale.

Short sale tax consequences ~ Understanding the tax consequences in a short sale is one of the most important considerations for a home seller. Whether the short sale home was a primary residence or an investment property can have different tax implications.

Getting short sale debt released ~ Getting the debt released on a short sale is obviously a very big deal. Many Realtors that are working with short sales don't have any knowledge of how to get the debt released. A seller needs to pay particular attention to this detail as you can expect to be hearing from a collection agency without it!

When to do a short sale home inspection ~ This topic is important to understand from both a buyer's and seller's perspective. A home inspection should be done before short sale approval and NOT after. Read the article to understand why it benefits both the buyer and seller to do so.

Strategic default vs short sale ~ There are many home owners who are deciding just to walk away from their homes. Fannie Mae has started to crack down on this practice and is now penalizing borrowers from getting a mortgage for up to seven years! A perfect alternative to a strategic default is a short sale.

By the way, I sell Real Estate in Los Angeles, so don't hesitate to contact me for any questions regarding the market here in Urban L.A.!

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