Friday, September 24, 2010

What Do People Want in a Home Today?

What Do People Want in a Home Today?
Ask, and you shall receive. Maybe the answers you're seeking aren't exactly what you expected, but thoughtful response to questions that may seem obvious help us to develop a fresh perspective, refine the operating principles of our lives and businesses, and lead us in new directions to meet our goals. Certainly, we have all been challenged with the task of asking ourselves the tough questions in the last few years of hardship. Those tough questions are different for everyone, but if you are really interested in growth and progress, it's time to have a 'coming to Jesus' with yourself about what's no longer working, where you want to go, and how you plan to get there.
The real estate industry is no exception and it, like the rest of us, is starting to ask the tough questions. I recently happened upon this survey, from a local real estate market research firm in Orange County, CA. In response to changing times, this company is conducting market research on home preferences and offering a chance to win a $500 Apple Gift Card for anyone who completes the survey. The study aims to answer the following about what people want in a home today:
  • Has the willingness to commute changed?
  • What does Gen Y say about renting versus owning?
  • Where will the Boomers retire? When? And to what lifestyle?
  • What are the differences in the ideal home design by generation?
  • What do consumers want in community, and how much will they pay for it?
  • Who wants to downsize, and will the McMansion make a comeback?
  • Can urban living prosper outside of the core of downtown areas?
  • Do consumers really want green technology in their homes, or is green in their pockets more important? Do they expect both?
  • How should the cultural trend toward customization impact home builder business strategy? When should builders include features or option them?
I am so inspired by the list of great questions from this survey, that I am going to conduct my own survey in my market area to find out what people want in a home today in Los Angeles. The more we know, the better the service we can provide to one another and ourselves.

What Do People Want in a Home Today?

Please contact me directly at 323-461-6570 if you would like more information about the real estate market in Urban L.A., or any information contained in this blog. For a free list of homes for sale, please visit

1 comment:

  1. I would like a very happy bunny - er, wife - and maybe one l'il bunny - er, child - child in my home... and lots of windows!

    Hey, you said "IN a home," not "OUT of their home."

