Monday, June 21, 2010

The Lazy Days of Summer

It's been over a week since my last blog post and it'd be easy for me to chalk it up to writer's block, but the real reason is more due to lack of motivation, distractions, excuses, etc. If I'm to be brutally honest, I just got lazy. Despite my efforts to crack it out of the park, sometimes the best laid plans are just an act in futility. Mine certainly were this week, which then lead me to think about what's worked best in the past and also ways that I can experiment now with building momentum and sustaining high energy. It then occurred to me that today is officially the first day of summer. Otherwise known as the Summer Solstice, June 21st is the longest day of the year, right before the beginning of shorter days and longer nights. For those who appreciate the significance of this seasonal shift, it can be thought of also as the energetic high point of the year and a perfect opportunity to re-align our intentions and strengthen our purpose. Now is the time to use the forces of nature, along with some good common sense to build your energy for the months ahead. In addition to keeping your attitude in check and dwelling on the positive, make sure you:

1. Drink lots of water!! I admit that I have a hard time with this one and often rely on a venti cup of decaf to serve as my liquid for the day. It's jut not enough. If you feel yourself tired or dragging in the middle of the day, drink a couple of glasses of water and chances are you'll bounce back. Remember: by the time you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

2. Get plenty of sleep. Huh? what? Yeah, this one is also a tough one for many of us, but the right amount of rest is critical to your overall health and energy levels. Not getting enough sleep zaps your immune system, makes you cranky and irritable, and generally lackluster. Cut out the caffeine, don't exercise late at night, and take some deep breaths to help you chill out before you hit the hay.

3. Eat properly. Smaller, frequent meals really are the way to go if you want to maintain your energy levels throughout the day. Try not to carbo load, but instead aim for well balanced meals that include protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates.

4. EXERCISE!! There really is no greater service that you can do for your body and mental health than to get moving. Training for a marathon isn't necessary, but a walk around the neighborhood once or twice a day is a great place to start. Aim for moderation and consistency, and your energy will sky rocket. If you are here in Los Angeles, the beautiful weather is a perfect excuse to take your work out outside. The L.A. Times points out some great local spots to get a killer workout in Thirteen Great Places to Run in L.A.

Speaking of exercise, if you are like me and tire of the gym and the commute time to get there and back, then you might want to consider an at home workout like P90X. Make no mistake about it- this is an extreme workout and you've got to be in decent shape to tackle it, but the results are noteworthy (if you follow a healthy diet) and you can't beat the convenience of rolling out of bed, right into your workout. The workout is lead by fitness guru, Tony Horton, and though mildly annoying, he really knows his stuff. Bring It!

Words of Wisdom from Tony Horton

With all my new found energy (and post P90X exhaustion), I'll be posting tomorrow with some new real estate updates as well as the announcement of a new video blog series (or two) that I've been meaning to get around to.

I sell Real Estate in Los Angeles, so don't hesitate to contact me for any questions regarding the market here in Urban L.A.!

1 comment:

  1. Um... Rawr! Or is that, tentatively, one paw forward scritching, "Meow!"

